
Prodco Remote Management Services

Source: Prodco International Inc.
At Prodco, we understand every customer is unique and our RMS™ program is designed to meet your changing needs and requirements. We will be your traffic counting partner and adapt and customize our services to match the dynamic nature of your business and market.

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Product Sheet: Remote Management Services

At Prodco, we understand every customer is unique and our RMS™ program is designed to meet your changing needs and requirements. We will be your traffic counting partner and adapt and customize our services to match the dynamic nature of your business and market.

You can completely outsource your traffic counting system to the professionals at Prodco and let us take care of all the day-to-day tasks and issues related to traffic counting. RMS™ subscriptions are available for long term partnerships where the IT, technical support resources or corporate infrastructure are simply not anticipated to be available.

RMS™ subscriptions can also be arranged for a ramp-up period where an organization is entering the world of traffic counting and wants to work for the launch period with Prodco's traffic counting experts. We will completely handle the day to day tasks and issues and gradually transition the management and ownership for traffic counting to your IT, technical and operations teams.

While handling the project for a scheduled period, you will be able to begin allocating the appropriate resources at a level that is suited to your corporate culture and budget considerations. As Prodco delivers a modular product, a transition period and plan will be customized to meet your specific requirements and time constraints. At the end of the agreed-upon time period, you will have complete ownership and enterprise integration of your traffic counting systems.

A similar subscription is suitable for retailers who foresee substantial growth in the immediate future to allow them to reach a critical mass and economy of scale. Prodco can provide our comprehensive RMS™ while your business is managing a smaller number of stores and work with you to transition the project to the infrastructure and enterprise systems that are created as your business reaches a suitable size and depth.

RMS™ allows your organization to establish a solid, value-based partnership with the leading traffic counter vendor in North America without surrendering your critical business intelligence ownership, control or security.

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Product Sheet: Remote Management Services